UGP 238 - Step Out in Faith: The God of the Bible Changes Everything - Alicia Wilder – Part 4
Now that Alicia knew Jesus as Savior, realizing that He was God and bigger than any religious system—He alone was Prophet, King, Intercessor, and High Priest, she decided not to return to BYU. Instead, she left Utah and accepted a job in Winter Garden, Florida managing a Bed and Breakfast and working in two restaurants on the first floor of the Historic Edgewater (www.historicedgewater.com). Alicia was seeking to know a life with Jesus but without the LDS religion in which she was raised. Christ had become everything to her. She shares a scripture that helped her understand the importance of Jesus above all. Matthew 10: 34-39 "Do not think that I have come to bring peace...I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother...Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of Me...whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Weeks later, future husband, Micah Wilder, was sent home early from his LDS mission for bearing testimony in front of fellow LDS missionaries that Jesus was all he needed for salvation and his salvation was now secure in Him. According to LDS scripture, salvation comes by "obedience to the laws and ordinances of the [LDS] gospel" (Third Article of Faith), not by faith in Christ alone. Micah and Alicia eloped and had a heart for Christian ministry, Alicia ministering to guests in the Bed & Breakfast and Micah bearing his testimony to Christians and nonbelievers through the Adam's Road Ministry. For Alicia, knowing the God of the Bible had changed everything.
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