UGP 122 - Chased by a Pursuing God - Grant and Hilary - Part 1


Grant and Hilary were life-long Mormons, regular temple attenders, living the LDS dream with their two adopted children. Then Grant's lapsed LDS brother asked him to research the Book of Abraham. What started as a quest to bring his brother back to the fold turned his world upside down. Fearing the worst for his marriage, Grant quietly continued his quest for truth, till a question from his wife brought the whole thing to light.

Grant and Hilary share candidly the crazy ways God was pursuing both of them, chasing them into the arms of a Jesus they wanted, but could never find as Mormons. 


I found it interesting that I never had a desire to study and find truth in something in as important as Jesus. I was going off so many people’s hearsay. ~Grant

God had been preparing my heart. A divine intervention with a born again Christian directed me to the biblical scriptures with all my questions. For three years she and her church family prayed for me. ~Hilary

This is the Jesus we have longed for! We knew he was much bigger than what we have been taught. ~Hilary


Lost Book of Abraham:

Grant’s grandma poem: See attached pdf

Book Offer: 7 Reasons We Left Mormonism:


May the God of peace with you. Share your questions at Unveiling Grace Podcast at or for show notes, transcripts or to contact Lynn or Joel. Grace and peace!


Part Two of Grant and Hilary’s story. What is being “saved” all about?

Safely Home
By Grace Reynolds

I am home in heaven, dear ones, 
Oh so happy and so bright, 
There in perfect joy and beauty
In the everlasting light.

All the pain and grief is over, 
Every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever, 
Safely home in heaven at last.

Did you wonder I so calmly 
Trod the valley of the shade?
Oh, but Jesus’ love illumined
Every dark and fearful glade.

And He came Himself to meet me
In the way so hard to tread;
And with Jesus’ arm to lean on, 
Could I have one doubt or dread?

Then you must not grieve so sorely, 
For I love you dearly still;
Try to look beyond death’s shadows, 
Pray to trust our Father’s will.

There is work still waiting for you, 
So you must not idly stand;
Do it now while life remaineth, 
You shall rest in Jesus’ land.

When that work is all completed, 
He will gently call you home;
Oh, the rapture of that meeting, 
Oh, the joy to see you come.

Grace Alyne Stanton Reynolds
(Dedicated) to all my kids.  When 
you go through my things after I’m 
gone.  I love you all so dearly.