UGP 241 - To Join or Not to Join the LDS Church? Lillie Grotenhuis – Part 3

The night before her scheduled baptism into the LDS Church, Lillie’s Christian mom and her friend’s mom tried through the night to talk her out of joining. Lillle felt attacked and interrogated but agreed to delay her LDS baptism. Who to trust, the LDS missionaries or her mom? She knew the answers she sought were in the Bible but how to find them? The next day they all attended Lillie’s friend Trevor’s baptism into the LDS Church. She was surprised that the focus there was on Joseph Smith not Jesus; there was no cross in the building! That afternoon, her mother wanted her to watch some videos and the missionaries wanted her to talk with Mormons. In desperation, she turned to God in prayer, “Help me to know You. I want to hear what You want to say to me.” Then her mom found Micah Wilder’s testimony online and Lillie was spellbound by this undeserved love of God he spoke of and by this simple gospel of grace (Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us). Lillie was broken and knew that Jesus was enough. She did not need to belong to a particular church to be saved.